What is SIPS?

SIPS is an interesting branch of Specialized Kinesiology which uses acupressure points and muscle testing to determine what kind of stress the individual is experiencing and help them to move the stress out more efficiently.  With SIPS, Ian answers the question; what is the ‘energy’ that specialized kinesiologists are working with?  Stressed cells draw on the meridian system to help maintain homeostasis in the body but over time health will suffer.  SIPS allows the energy pathways to reset, removing resistance to healing.

Resistance to healing energy limits the effectiveness of any treatment method. SIPS identifies the types of stress involved that creates this blockage and disperses the resistance so that the healing treatment can be directed at a profound and core level.

“SIPS works on the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and electrical levels of the body to promote whole body healing.  SIPS can be extremely effective for pain relief (for example, diffusing stress in a hurt knee by working with the muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, synovial fluid and inflammatory processes involved, while also acknowledging any stuck emotion, or fear or a repeat injury), identifying roots of chronic illness; improving cognitive functions and learning difficulties; and assisting in hormonal balance.”

Ian Stubbings created the first SIPS workshop in association with Dr. Charles Krebs as a way of simplifying the ‘Powers of Stress’ procedure in Applied Physiology (developed by Richard Utt). These protocols were effective for dealing with ‘stuck’ muscles, but time-consuming.  SIPS allows for deep balances that bring all the stressors ‘online’ at once in a quick and effective way.

Every level of SIPS works with a chakra and the corresponding layer of the auric field. The physics of this are explained in detail in Level One, so you understand thoroughly how these energy systems work and how the auric field is created.

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