Instructor: Alexis Costello
Sips 8, explores the mystery of the Universe and our place within it. An orderly and harmonious Universe is more aptly described as the Cosmos. Sips 8, encompasses our relationship with the Cosmos via the Cosmic Plane and associated amperage & resistance points. Sips 8, completes the Sips Energy Model providing further insight into the nature of our being via the Tree of Life and our creative dimensions.
Sips 8, introduces us to a fascinating brain chemical called DMT (dimethyltryptamine). DMT is referred to as “The Spirit Molecule” for its ability to open our mind and consciousness to alternate forms of reality and spirit. Research indicates DMT also regulates our everyday perception of reality and therefore plays a major role in the regulation and integration of the CNS via the Pineal.
The subject of DMT requires a detailed look at amino acids, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and the role of the pineal relative to brain function, the CNS and consciousness.